Samuel Heath

Perfekt funktion och vacker form kombinerat med material och finish som glädjer sinnena, är bara några av de värden Samuel Heath arbetar efter.

Integritet och ursprung är grunden till det arv som har funnits i nästan två århundraden sedan Samuel Heath först började tillverka produkter av finaste mässing från sina lokaler i Birmingham.

Än i dag är hantverket viktigt - Varje bit är noggrant formad av renaste massiva mässingen och sedan polerad för hand för att skapa en perfekt finish innan den ytbehandlas. Varje produkt monteras, kontrolleras och packas sedan av kvalificerade medarbetare. Alla arbete sker på plats i deras fabrik i Birmingham, vilket garanterar total kontroll över tillverkning, kvalitet och miljöansvar.

Tillverkning i Birmingham, England


"British imagined and designed - Perfect function and beautiful form, combined with materials and finishes that delight the senses, are just some of the values embedded in our long tradition of excellence.
Integrity and provenance are the foundations of our heritage that has been in place for almost two centuries since we first started to manufacture the finest pieces of solid brassware from our premises in Birmingham, England.
We began as a traditional brass founder and have produced a vast array of products over the years, from bedsteads to high quality giftware and fireside accessories. Today however, our reputation is as designers and manufacturers of bathroom accessories, taps, showers and door and window furniture of distinctive style, quality and performance.

Whilst we are proud of this heritage, we are also pioneers of new movements in bathroom trends and door and window furniture design.

It is craftsmanship that remains central to our ethos. Each piece is meticulously formed from the purest solid brass, polished by hand to create a flawless finish before undergoing a high-quality electroplating process. Attention to detail dictates that each product is then assembled, checked and packed by skilled individuals. All of these processes take place at our Birmingham factory, assuring total control over manufacturing, quality and environmental responsibility."

Made in Birmingham, England

Samuel Heath